Moon Light Kuew Tiaw

Thursday, December 23, 2010 2 comments

Have you ever heard of "Moon Light Kuew Tiaw"? Or what people in West Malaysia used to call "Yue Guang He". I only heard of it and got the chance to try it after I came here for few years. I was never heard about it before especially in East Malaysia, or more specifically in my hometown - Sibu. I am not sure whether fried kuew tiaw in this way exist or not in East Malaysia nowadays. Or it's already existed? Anyone in East Malaysia know about it? If yes, please do tell me ya. Actually this kind of fried kuew tiaw is not much different from an ordinary fried kuew tiaw. They only put a fresh egg on the fried kuew tiaw. For those who get used to eat fresh egg, I am sure you will like "Moon Light Kuew Tiaw". Why don't you give it a try? It is quite special for me though. :D


  • suituapui said...

    I had this at Uncle Dom (Fortune Commercial Centre, behind Rejang Medical Centre) in Sibu. It was very nice. I don't know if they still have it on their menu - haven't been there for a longtime.

  • Geogy said...

    Oh really?! Sibu also have this "Moon Light Kuew Tiaw"? Sorry, I don't know what it actually called but people here called it this way, I mean "Yue Guang He" or "月光河". But is it only Uncle Dom provided this food?! Or we can find it anywhere else in Sibu? Hope to know if there's any...:D

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